
All posts tagged sleep

Insomnia Sucks

Published December 28, 2014 by Tiffany Thomas

Hello my lovelies,

Insomnia is defined as habitual sleeplessness or an inability to sleep.

It also describes me right now. Which sucks because I have a flight to catch in less than six hours!

Something tells me that I am going to be a very sad panda when I land, assuming that I make the flight on time!

I am also going to be without Ishti for almost a week, which is not my idea of a good time. Here’s hoping that the week goes smoothly and I don’t have to hurt someone.

Hoping I can catch some sleepies.

Lilah tov!

Chaya bat Maria


Published December 19, 2014 by Tiffany Thomas

Morning in the winter is too dark
Daylight savings time is bollocks
Dogs are smelly and whiny
Cats are annoying and gross
I love my car and my dog
Wouldn’t trade them
My bird Is a cuddle-whore
But he only loves my wife
My brain is a crowded rail station
Who started the engines at 0630?

I love weekends

Published December 16, 2014 by Tiffany Thomas

Good morrow my lovelies,

It is a bright and shiny… just kidding… cold and bleak Tuesday morning here in the Northeastern United States. Cold enough outside to numb my toes in the 3 minutes it takes to walk my doggie.

Indeed, as the Stark family is so fond of saying, “Winter is coming.” Whoever this winter girl is, I should love to meet her… but that’s another fantasy.

I love my pets, just saying… did I mention that I have ADD? Right now my pets are both (cat and dog) lying on their single big fluffy pillow bed on the floor staring at me. Ishti has a pair of jingle bell panties from Victoria’s Secret which are jingling away as she goes about her morning routine to prepare for work, and it just brings a huge smile to my face. I love that she is silly enough to wear things like that to make me happy.

So weekends… Yes, weekends. They are my favorite part of the week. No, I don’t have a 9-5 job that I need a weekend from at the end of a hard week. No, I don’t do something super annoying all week long that I only get to take a break from on the weekends… But rather, I get to spend the weekends with my Ishti. (Most) Fridays and (almost all) Saturdays she is off, and we get to spend lovely time together.

This weekend, we went on a date-night. (<3 date night) We went to watch The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 (for our second time… I hardly ever go see movies twice in theatres) and then went out for some lovely Italian food afterwards, there’s this nice little restaurant just down the plaza from the theater which offers 20% off if you bring them your movie ticket stub. We got a nice pasta bolognese with capellini pasta, just one dish there is enough to split and have lunch left over for one. It’s a BYOB (bring your own beverage) restaurant (those are a thing here) so we just had some water with lemon wedges with our dinner… maybe one of these times I’ll remember to bring a bottle for us. After dinner we went home and relaxed for the rest of the evening. Date Night make time for it in your life. It is worth it, I don’t care what you must “sacrifice,” spending time cultivating the love between you and your partner/spouse/SO/symbiote/whatever is FAR more important… unless, you know, it’s like your own open-heart surgery or something… then do date night another time.

I apologize for not having finished reading Gone Girl yet, but other than just date night, I like to try and devote my weekends to doing things that need to get done around the apartment, and just generally spending time with Ishti. Sunday mornings are also my time to teach seventh graders about the Holocaust, one of my favorite jobs ever!

My loving sister, Nour, surprised Ishti and I with an unexpected blessing this weekend, which was wonderful.

This morning, I am finding it hard to keep my eyes open, so I have no idea what time I will be able to resume reading, but have no fear the review is still coming for Grone Girl.

Another great thing: While Ishti was away visiting her parents, the cashier at an arts supply store told her dad that he shouldn’t be sending Ishti back to (state) alone, 16 year olds shouldn’t travel alone! This totally made Ishti’s day, as neither of us have been 16 for many years now. Needless to say, I agree with the cashier that Ishti looks young… but 16? I don’t like jail that much ;).

I’ve been rambling on for long enough, I suppose… I will see all of you later!

Love and hugs,
Chaya bat Maria

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